Friday, April 24, 2009

Response to anonymous poster left a comment on my last post and provided the link below, which attempts to prove Jesus rose from the dead.

Well, first they start off by start off by saying:

"Jesus told his disciples that he would be betrayed, arrested, and crucified and that he would come back to life three days later. That’s a strange plan! What was behind it? Jesus was no entertainer willing to perform for others on demand; instead, he promised that his death and resurrection would prove to people (if their minds and hearts were open) that he was indeed the Messiah."

Well...we can never know if Jesus made this prediction at all. Jesus's prediction and anything else he did easily could've been fabricated by those who wrote the Bible. Why do religious people just assume that everything in the Bible is true? Jesus may have actually done a tiny fraction of the things the Bible claims he did. Just because the Bible says he predicted his death and resurrection, that doesn't mean it actually happened. They act as if the Bible is just as reliable as an audio recoring or video that was recorded last week. A story that was written by someone around A.D. 80 is not the most reliable source for anything. I wouldn't trust anything that is so old and unverifiable.

They claim this is how Jesus died on the cross:

"Jesus hung there for approximately six hours. Then, at 3:00 in the afternoon—that is, at exactly the same time the Passover lamb was being sacrificed as a sin offering (a little symbolism there, you think?)—Jesus cried out, “It is finished” (in Aramaic), and died. Suddenly the sky went dark and an earthquake shook the land."

Seriously? An earthquake shook the land? If that doens't sound like a made-up fairy tale, I don't know what does. So the Bible claims to know the exact time Jesus died? How can a book so old that could've been fabricated by anyone be taken as fact.

Let's see where it goes from here.

They go on to say:

"Some have proposed that Jesus lived through the crucifixion and was revived by the cool, damp air in the tomb–“Whoa, how long was I out for?” But that theory doesn’t seem to square with the medical evidence. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association explains why this so-called “swoon theory” is untenable: “Clearly, the weight of historical and medical evidence indicated that Jesus was dead."

HISTORICAL AND MEDICAL EVIDENCE?!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What evidence? Because the Bible says so? A bunch of old writings from over 2000 years ago qualify as evidence?

It then says:

"If Jesus’ body was anywhere to be found, his enemies would have quickly exposed the resurrection as a fraud. Tom Anderson, former president of the California Trial Lawyers Association, summarizes the strength of this argument:

"With an event so well publicized, don’t you think that it’s reasonable that one historian, one eye witness, one antagonist would record for all time that he had seen Christ’s body? … The silence of history is deafening when it comes to the testimony against the resurrection."19

So, with no body of evidence, and with a known tomb clearly empty, Morison accepted the evidence as solid that Jesus’ body had somehow disappeared from the tomb."

What?!! How can anyone possibly claim to analyze "evidence" and accounts that happend around 2000 years ago?!!!! So just because some old writings claimed something happened, we are supposed to believe them as fact?!!! Any number of fabrications could've been produced around that time to make it seem as though any of these things happened, even if they did not.

Another line:

"Each eyewitness account reports that Jesus suddenly appeared bodily to his followers..."

EYEWINESS ACCOUNTS?!!!! Seriously? 2000-year-old "eyewitness accounts" are supposed to be reliable? NO WAY! AGAIN - eyewitness accounts could've easily been fabricated as well...why are we supposed to believe any of these "eyewitness accounts" are even real?

Another ridiculous quote:

"Later, according to the eyewitness accounts, all the disciples saw Jesus on more than ten separate occasions. They wrote that he showed them his hands and feet and told them to touch him. And he reportedly ate with them and later appeared alive to more than 500 followers on one occasion."

Again - "eyewiness" accounts which could've been easily fabricated, and are unverifiable.

They go on:

"Legal scholar John Warwick Montgomery stated, “In 56 A.D. [the Apostle Paul wrote that over 500 people had seen the risen Jesus and that most of them were still alive (1 Corinthians 15:6ff.). It passes the bounds of credibility that the early Christians could have manufactured such a tale and then preached it among those who might easily have refuted it simply by producing the body of Jesus.”

So just becasue Paul wrote something around 2000 years ago, we are supposed to believe it's true? Again, "Paul" or whoever wrote these things, could've easily made it all up. They keep referring to the body of Jesus and how its absence proves the story to be is that?

I could write a story on a piece of paper that says a man named Dave died and rose from the dead in 2008. I could then include in that story that many people verified it and there were witnesses. I can then bury that story in the ground for someone to find 2000 years from now - when someone finds it in 2000 years, are they supposed to believe it just because it's written on a piece of paper?

Another quote:

"Bible scholars Geisler and Turek agree. “If the Resurrection had not occurred, why would the Apostle Paul give such a list of supposed eyewitnesses? He would immediately lose all credibility with his Corinthian readers by lying so blatantly.”

AGAIN WITH THE SUPPOSED "EYEWITNESSES." No one stops to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Paul made up a list of names?!!!! How can anyone verify that these named eyewitnesses are real? In my Dave story, I could easily make up a fake list of 3000 witnesses and bury it along with the story...why would the people who find this list in 2000 years have any reason to believe it's true? HAHAHA!!! This is some funny stuff! I have to take a break from this for a while...this is just too funny.

OK...I'm back for some more laughs.

They go on to say:

"As if the eyewitness reports were not enough to challenge Morison’s skepticism, he was also baffled by the disciples’ behavior. A fact of history that has stumped historians, psychologists, and skeptics alike is that these 11 former cowards were suddenly willing to suffer humiliation, torture, and death. All but one of Jesus’ disciples were slain as martyrs. Would they have done so much for a lie, knowing they had taken the body?"

OK...any number of things could explain the disciples "baffling" are a couple of possibilities:

Maybe the disciples were just plain crazy - I don't know why people never consider the possibility that the people in the Bible who do strange things might've just been insane. Many religious people over the years have done strange things in the name of their religions. The people of the Heaven's Gate cult all killed themselves because of their beliefs...did everyone in the world believe they were right just because their actions were so drastic? HELL NO! WE ALL JUST CONCLUDE THAT THEY WERE CRAZY NUT-JOBS!!! No one considers the fact that the disciples were just an older version of the Heaven's Gate people - nut-jobs!

Another explaination for the disciples strange actions - maybe the story never even happened and is completely made up....ANYONE EVER CONSIDER THAT? EVER CONSIDER THAT MAYBE THE BIBLE IS ENTIRELY FAKE? WHY WOULDN'T YOU CONSIDER IT?

The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years and had more than 40 different authors....does that sound like a book that has any credibility? The Bible HAD OVER 40 AUTHORS!!!! IT WAS WRITTEN THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!!! IT COULD VERY WELL BE A COMPLETE FAIRY TALE!!!! WHY CAN'T PEOPLE CONSIDER THIS OBVIOUS POSSIBILITY?!!!

They go on further, but I can't take this anymore...I can't find one bit of information in this thing that is solid and reliable...nice try, religious fanatics.


Anonymous said...

your arguments were shallow and mere products of your own narrow mindedness...but existence of people like you were correctly predicted in the BIBLE...

Levi said...

I looked into your views & I agree that it's not wrong to have your own opinion, what puzzles me is the fact that u discredit written records, would u argue with the same intensity against the existence of Caesar & it is said they lived in similar times? Explain this to me, the connection between miracles performed today as Christians use the name of Jesus if it's just a fairly tale as u suggest

Anonymous said...

there are so many arguements and debits about god's own existence?godhead of jesus.trinity..and the relibility of holyscripture..
but religions concept on it's faith and it is comes and related with the scripture..believers may believe god as a god through his level of understanding and mental level,some believe due to inspired by miracles,some find logical to be believed,some are who influenced or motivated by emotion..
some people only refutes the scriptures validity,bcz that they may not have ability to do..some doubts bcz it is not as thy want.some are influenced or compelled to do so...
yes!one can not claim on incidend took place 2000 years ago wheather thy are contemporary,one can not able to refutes its 100%or proove 100% as a proof.
but in term of faith comes from holysciptures the new testament's time people had also been done this one like you..eventhough otherside of the coin in the name of jesus in the world works proving that scriptures telling this way should be true.
one thing if u r telling about crucifixion,ressurection.if u r arguing that never took place..ofcource it's uppon yr understanding.but take a chance to god whom u have denied but thy said jesus came 4 u died on cross.ressurect!don't take a chance as u loudly proclaiming as be honest SAY O JESUS I DO NOT KNOW U AS A GOD AS BIBLE SAYS BUT AS A TRIAL I AM ASKING U PROOVE AND GIVE FULL PROOF ASSURANCE TO ME THE JESUS IS ALMIGHTY....SCRIPTURE SAYS JESUS IS SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER...IF SO THY WILL SURELY ANSWER TO UNDERSTAND AND NOT ANSWERD TO CONVINCE YOU..THEN IT'S THY CHOICE!
then u will have more enthusiasm in yr way...may god you..

Anonymous said...

Fuck man, you sound like you're just trying to convince yourself...

Was mentally preparing a response to your ramblings, but why bother? You couldn't see the truth if it clobbered you over your head.

Anonymous said...

Before u discredit christianity and throw it in a corner,i want to ask u a question,have u ever examine the life of JESUS to find out what type of life he live?He is the founder of the christian and he is the one person that all eyes should be on,what r the things that people had to say about him,what did he do that was right,what he did that was wrong and what was his agenda and purpose for doing those things.God is said to be a God of love and he also a God of wrath,Jesus came into this world to give hope of receiving eternal life with God because he has set a time when he will punish humans for not believing in Jesus.His plan has Jesus as the only way to living with him for ever.What we do and how we live in this life determines if we will live out eternity being separated from the God that loves us so much. (1)Do u believe that the devil is real (2)Do u believe in something call sin (3)Do believe that humans were created or did we just evolve

Allan said...

you r a dumb american who knows only about the americas and you think that the rest of the world do not exist.You should take History Lessons Man and not just give your opinion

Unknown said...

Allan ,sure your name isn't Allah!!!

Unknown said...

Allan ,sure your name isn't Allah!!!

pamB said...

Although I agree with your conclusion that there was no resurrection, i too, find your arguments shallow. To dismiss the Bible as 2000-year-old unverifyable writing without further refinement show an ignorance of the serious research that has been done on the subject and the careful comparison of sources and styles of writing that found their way into the Bible. Such research has indeed shown that all, or at least almost all, of the quotations of Jesus are hearsay, and that nobody can know what Jesus actually said. That means that all conclusions derived from testing the consistency of what he said are bunk. But you didn't do the work or cite the efforts that back up this conclusion. Neither did I, I readily admit, but I have read serious research on the subject. I do not, however, have a blog that purports to answer religious nonsense with serious thought, as you falsely claim to do.

pamB said...

You are not serving the cause of common sense by trying to refute Biblical nonsense in general and y-religion's nonsense in particular, by offering such a shallow response. There is so much serious Biblical scholarship and knowledge about how the Bible was written and to what degree it is historically reliable or not, that your brush-off of the Bible as a 2000-year-old unverifiable book displays more ignorance than common sense and understanding. Why don't you go and learn something before attempting to refute false claims for the benefit of people capable of using their common sense?

Anonymous said...

Oh thou fool. I really wonder if you're conscious of what you're saying my youth. You know that you'll be judged for these nonsense. The bible already speaks about people like u who will try to deceive the people in these last days. Who do u say create us then. So as someone said before what about all the miracles that's happening these days and all d earthquakes, wars and all manner of evil that d bible speaks about over 2000yrs ago how can man know these things before hand eh tell me. And if Jesus nah real then y would they spread ah fame of someone whom they made up and perform miracles in his name and it happened then. Have u ever gone to ah church? Sure u nah one ah Satan agent my youth. I'll pray that your eyes will be opened and be let loose from under satan power

Anonymous said...

Ok! We will find out after we die. If God does not exist beleivers and non-beleivers is square. But if God exist the Beleivers will live in a beautifull mansion with nice garden and able to do his favorite things to do. The non-beleivers will be in hell and live like a sick puppy screaming, itching, pimples all over their body and look like shit.

Great Expectation said...

Dear Sir
Dear Brother
Your argument is correct considering the fact that you have limited exposure on subject.
Ordinary mortals like us can’t comment on Prophet Jesus, his life, his teachings or Bible.
I am not a Christian nor have studied Bible completely but want to assure you one thing “Your provocative thoughts which you express due to ignorance will hurt the feelings of fellow Christians”.
To remove the veil of ignorance, mitigate your spiritual Inexperience read the Holy bible every day and chant “Hail Jesus” 1008 times every day for continuous 48 days at least and achieve some sort of relief in your quest for absolute truth.(Easiest way)
Or if you prefer the hardest way, come to India, search for a Jagad Guru {Universal (Jagad) Guru- The one who makes you realize God in /through your own ways, customs, religion, faith etc} .
If you’re lucky enough to meet, find such a Guru then one day you yourselves will testify the “Resurrection of Lord Jesus” and you will not require any Holy book of 2000 yrs old to believe.

Anonymous said...

You are great. fool yourself by thinking your blog will block the grace of GOD flowing to billions. Cheerup, for you are not the single intelligent guy discovered the foolishness through ages. But You are so inteligent and hence very sure that the sentences you wrote above will prove beyond doubt that all that written in Bible are wrong., This of course, I should admit as your greatest feat.

Anonymous said...

"Before abraham was,I AM" John 8.v58.JESUS is GOD,and on the last day he shall judge you

Anonymous said...

Listen to yourself: " The Bible
I've got to agree with others that your arguments are quite shallow and empty. I was actually hoping for a challenging solid argument. Picture this: between one author and more tha 40 authors who lived hundreds of years apart but wrote a consistent message, whom would you trust? The ONE or SEVERAL witnesses? Some kings, others shephards, physicians, fishermen, tax-collectors, prophets etc all with ONE CONSISTENT MESSAGE?
With contrived humor, you also s suppose recorded Bible history is a tale. What makes you believe Christopher Columbus or even George Washington are not tales? Did you meet them in person? Is there even one person you know who met them in person?
Anyway its just a matter of time and you will surely find out the truth; you'll find out who was right. In less than 100 years from now we all will, we'll all be gone. ALL THE BEST..

Anonymous said...

historians including the non christians all agree that the Gospels were written in the lifetimes of the apostles and what is written in them are the statements of witnesses. They have studied this meticulously. They didn't assume that this was true just because Mr. Somebody says so. So they have come to the conclusion after much research that the Gospels even though they are old are very reliable and verifiable. Basically you either trust speciliasts who are experts in these subjects or some random guy who clearly hasn't studied this subject in depth.

Anonymous said...

Did dinasours really exist?? Is evolution theory real?? (just a theory} after thousands of years when man was able to record, did they record an ape Slightly changed or other animals/insects for that mather? (there are other unexplained scientific theories}. and can you predict the events for the world 2000 years from now almost ..almost ecurately like the bible? BY THE Way all religion belief in a GOD....most probably the same GOD in their own version, that is more than 3/4 of the world, so if more of diferent cultures (before the bible)think so than there may exist a posibility. and finally like you stated the bible being thousands of years old it could be false....OR IT COULD BE REAL. Its better to live with faith for a good course than non. What have u got to loose. Does it hurt for having a bit of faith. Do you fall sick from having that??

Anonymous said...

'Jesus hung there for approximately six hours. Then, at 3:00 in the afternoon—that is, at exactly the same time the Passover lamb was being sacrificed as a sin offering'

Few problems here. It is only in John that this can apply as the author puts the events one day earlier than the Synoptics with Jesus dying on the day when the lambs were slaughtered. John conflicts sharply with the Synoptics over the timing of the last supper-death period (In the Synoptics the lambs had already been killed by the time of the last supper).
Secondly, lambs were NOT slaughtered for sin, but as a sign of Yahweh's covenant with Israel.
Both instances show the author manipulated the information he had to suit his theological viewpoint.


Anonymous said...

Guys guys guys the Bible is real and was written by people with the adequate knowledge,it was to transform the masses,to help us lead better lives how we interpret it is the the problem thats eating us up,the Bible showcases a great deal of symbolism so the next time you just dismiss it as unverifyiable take time to think on what really the message is...Jesus is God and he is the son as well as the sun.Nice day

Enzo Gauss said...

In history, so many legends can be found, fruit of imagination, crazy people like the cults you mention, all kinds of false tales that may sound to you in the same style as the Bible, and even better speakers, preachers of greater fluency/ verbosity, then Jesus, prophets of amazing true predictions, but none of these scripts have survived thousands of years as "most popular" (like the Old and New Testament), and none of these crazy people or fabricated stories have resulted in 2 billion followers today (plus Indus, Muslims, etc. who also believe in Christ). Is this a kind of miracle in your eyes?

Anonymous said...

History shows that Jesus was a real person and that the places mentioned in the Bible have been discovered to be real. The unfortunate problem is that He is not accepted by those who mainly choose to be "masters of their own destiny" and choose to live their lives their own way. I do not beat up athiests and agnostics but I know of those who were once hard core unbelievers but came to believe through keeping an open mind. My idea is to get ones mind off religions and through an open mind truly seek God as I did being agnostic and found God and Jesus to be real! This comes through being honest with ones self and admitting no one can prove or disprove the existence of God. That is ok since belief in God is a matter of faith in what cannot be seen. Engineers and scientists believe in the "impossible" seeing as how they have developed the amazing miracles of technology that did not before exist but now does. How does one explain that except that man is said to be made in the image of God, the Creator, and therefore creative! Hopefully more will come to believe in a real existing God. I certainly believe that God is NOT a religion but religions as such are made up of ideas people have of God, and many times do not reflect the true image of God. I learned to separate God from organized religion and not blame God for all the wrong some religions did/do. That way God, the Creator makes since and more proof to me that God and Jesus really exist and that the Bible is true. May those who have not yet found Him just keep an open mind and let Him reveal Himself and you will not be disappointed for sure. God bless and may you find Him soon!

Anonymous said...

One needs only to read the New Testament with an open mind in order to realize that Jesus is the son of God. Lazarus was raised from the dead four days after his death, and lived in Cyprus for 30 years, becoming the first bishop of Larnaka. The name of the city actually is derived from his tomb which is still there, inside the church dedicated to his memory. But, leaving aside the words and the miracles of Jesus, only the conversion of Saint Paul should be sufficient to make one believe. If a person, however, prefers to remain blind, no amount of words will make him open his eyes. It is a personal decision to choose darkness, and Jesus said as much 2000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Let me ask you questions:Do you believe Jesus rose after reading the article?What do you think of the one who wrote it?Why do you think he wrote the article?Do you think your biased?And more importantly do you think your logic is flawed?

Anonymous said...

It is "quite obvious to the most casual observer/reader that one must take the Bible as a whole. First of all archeology has discovered, and still discovering places mentioned in the Bible. Second, take the Bible as an honest book in that it makes no moves to do cover ups as in the account of David and Bathsheba. There were other accounts of what good people did that was bad, and because of the mercy of God were forgiven by God like David, aka, "the man after God's own heart." Third in Deut. chapter 18 lying about God under the law carried the penalty of death! The people who wrote the Bible were Jewish or Hebrew who were quite certain they would not violate the law. There have been modern instances of miracles that cannot and never will be explained by any scientific means but explained ONLY by supernatural means! Some of these I know personally or have met. One who had an "out of body experience" after being clinically dead. He, like others, was able to speak about things that happened after he was declared clinically dead. So there are modern 20th and 21st century miracles of "the supernatural kind" that cannot and will not be proved by any scientific means. Those who do not believe in God need to stop fighting against Him and allow HIM to prove His existence. It happened to me. "Signed,Former agnostic!"

messenger777 said...

This can be an aggravating subject for some Christians, and non Christians as well. So the agnostic and atheist don't believe in a personal God or not in God at all. It's got to be a very lonely world for at least some of them. But check out sites like and search for "have scientists found God" and check out why some of the scientists became believers in God after especially did research on DNA. It is the life code found in humans, animals, plants, and even microscopic organisms. They came to the conclusion that DNA could NOT be produced by Evolution. What they know has been in research for over 50 years. It is so complex that even Bill Gates of Microsoft, retired, said that the DNA code is much more complex than any of Microsoft's most modern software! The unbelieving can find God through becoming humble and taking a "wild leap of faith" and try asking God to reveal Himself. Then experience what happens next!
(Signed, former unbeliever)

Recovering addict said...

If persons, unbelieving ones, can just keep an open mind. After all no human being can prove absolutely that there isn't a God, neither prove scientifically that there is one. The reason for this is a matter of faith. It's not a matter of just flipping a coin and getting the answer: heads, there's a God, tails, there's no God." Flipping a coin may yield a 50/50 probability of heads/tails. So if the person wants to honestly look at the possibility of there being a God and that's a good way to find Him. Just think: "God is NOT a religion; I can't therefore blame God, whoever, whatever He is for all the evil and inhuman things done in the name of religion, ie, the 'Spanish Inquisition' and other religion based mayhem. So I think it's a matter of just separating God from religion. After all "In the beginning God" but long before there was any religion named. So the ideal thing I found was to simply accept God for who He is and separate Him from organized religion and then I get a clearer picture of "an Ultimate Authority, a loving God" and that is One God I can really relate to. {Signed, "Recovering addict")

Anonymous said...

If The story of Jesus is true; please explain why the vast majority of Jerusalem STILL Jewish?

Only 3% of the entire country of Israel is Christian. How is that possible at "ground zero"? to be honest, that doesn't sound like Jesus was all that convincing.

Anonymous said...

Only 3% are christians because the muslims drove them out and they could not live with muslims just like the other religions could not live with muslims. The muslims are the colonist who came from saudi arabia.

Heathen said...

Do you think that's just? If I live a good life, benefitting mankind to the best of my abilities, should I honestly spent an infinite time being tortured for a finite crime of simple not believing. If you or your god considers this a moral response. I'll spend my eternity knowing I'm morally superior to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Since you keep asking why people believe what is written in the Bible, here are a few points to consider. First of all, look at the way in which it was written. The Bible is a collection of 66 documents and letters written by about 40 different authors from different places, over the span of 1,500 years. The authors came from different backgrounds, ranging from fishermen to kings. Many of them did not even know each other. Yet their writings, when put together, tell a single story from start to finish, and offer one consistent theme. Do you really think this would be possible by human effort alone?

Then there is the fact that the Bible speaks accurately on many areas of science that were not understood by man until much later. A few examples:

Isaiah 40: 22 says: “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.”
The book of Isaiah was written between 701 and 681 BC. The spherical shape of the earth was not established by man until much later, in the 3rd century BC.

Job 26:7 (written 3500 years ago) says: “He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the earth upon nothing.”

The Bible stated here that the earth freely floated in space. At the time, other sources declared that the earth sat on the back of a large animal, was held up by Atlas or rested on other supports. We now know that the earth does indeed float freely in space.

Genesis 17:12 states that circumcision was to be carried out when a baby was eight days old. Medical science has since discovered that the eighth day is the only day in the entire life of the new-born that the blood clotting element prothrombin is above 100%. Medical benefits to circumcision have also since been discovered, and are mentioned in this link (

Leviticus 17:11 (written 3000 years ago) says: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” The Bible declared here that blood is the source of life, but this was not discovered by man until much later. Up until 120 years ago, sick people were “bled,” and many died because of the practice. We now know that blood is the source of life, and if you lose your blood, you will lose your life.

There is also archaeological evidence that supports what is written in the Bible. For example, skeptics questioned whether certain characters from the Bible actually existed, until the discovery of relics that proved they did. Prior to the 20th century no tangible evidence existed for the Roman governor Pontius Pilate and the Jewish chief priest Joseph Caiaphas. Both men were central figures in the trial leading to the crucifixion of Christ. However, in 1961 archaeologists discovered a block of limestone inscribed with the name of “Pontius Pilate prefect of Judea.” And in 1990 archaeologists discovered an ossuary (bone box) with the inscription of Caiaphas, which was verified as being authentic. They also questioned whether the town of Nazareth actually existed during Jesus' lifetime, but in 2009, archaeologists announced the discovery of first-century clay shards in Nazareth, confirming that this tiny hamlet existed during the time of Christ. The Bible also contains numerous prophecies that were later fulfilled, especially those regarding the Messiah, Jesus Christ. For anyone with an open mind, there is more than enough evidence that what is written in the Bible is true.