Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sorry to burst your bubble, religious fanatics...but we were not placed here by god. We did not magically just appear because god made it happen. We evolved from other species.

Evolution is real. You want proof? Well, we know for a fact that all humans originated from Africa and they migrated to other parts of the world. As they migrated into other climates and environments, their physical traits EVOLVED and changed to suit the conditions of their environment (lighter skin, lighter hair, facial features, etc). All of the various races we have today (white, black, asian, hispanic, etc.) evolved from a single race - black Africans. If all of those races evolved over just a few thousand years, then it is very easy to see how humans evolved from another species over the course of millions of years.

Humans did not always exist on this planet. That is a fact. Many species evolved and became extinct long before humans existed on this planet (the dinosaurs, for example). God does not simply place things on the planet whenever he feels a new species belongs here. The many species that have lived on this planet came to be because they evolved and developed from simpler organisms over millions of years.

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