Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We know nothing about god.

Most religions preach that one must be faithful to god and worship him or risk going to hell - BUT, where did people get this idea that god is so concerned with punishing people? even if god did create the universe, the concepts of heaven and hell were simply invented by man, and there is no indication that these things are real.

Anything is possible, and no one knows how the universe I will grant you that it is possible that god created the universe, but we do not know anything else about him...such as whether or not he watches us like so many religions claim. we do not know any of god's QUALIITIES, TENDENCIES, or his DISPOSITION - these are things that every religion claims to know, but these religions have no basis for their specific prediction of how god behaves - these ideas about god were randomly created on a whim by the inventors of religions.

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