Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jesus was crazy

I know it's hard for some people to accept this...but Jesus was just a normal guy who gained enough followers to start a religion. He didn't have any divine powers or connection to god - he told people that he did so they would follow him...and those people believed him because people were very gullible back then.

If a man today were to proclaim that he was the son of god, he would be locked up in a mental institution...but Jesus made his claim long ago, when people would believe anything. Today we are informed enough to know that people can't speak to god and people don't have divine powers...yet many still choose to believe that Jesus was divine. Do you really want to worship a crazy guy who had extreme delusions of grandeur?

Jesus was probably a real person, but he couldn't do any of the magical things that the Bible claims he did. Those who wrote the Bible simply made these things up so that people would think Jesus was divine.

Why do people just believe everything in the Bible without questioning it? The Bible claims that all kinds of magical and supernatural things happened long ago - it is obvious that these things never happened. Doesn't it seem strange that back then people had all kinds of magical powers, yet today people no longer have magical powers? Doesn't it seem a bit conveniant that now that we have ways to disprove such things (forensics, video cameras, etc.), those things no longer occur. The obvious logical response is that these magical things never happened at all - people made them up long ago so that others would follow their religions.

Today there are people who claim to have magical powers (psychics, prophets, ghost whisperers, etc.), but those people have all been exposed as frauds...that's exactly what Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad were - they were frauds who used lies to convince people that they had divine powers...back then people were so gullible that they believed these ridiculous claims.

Everything we know about science proves that those magical things are impossible, yet people today still choose to believe they happened. Jesus never came back from the dead, Moses never parted the Red Sea...these things just never happened...it's crazy and stupid to believe they did.

All religions claim that their founders had some sort of magical connection to god...because they know that no one will follow a normal, average guy. Having an average human as your mascot is just not an attractive marketing plan.

A religion is just a cult with a lot of followers. Jesus started a cult, and due to some great marketing (and good timing) he gained enough followers to make it a full-blown religion.


Heath said...

Hey Kramer,

Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.

I think you have made some accurate statements about people who believe in God. I agree there are some who don't think and have good reasons for why they believe. However,I do think you have over generalized grouping everyone into the same file.

When you get a chance I would like to hear what you think about this lecture at Google on The Reason for God:


It may be good fodder for your blog. :)

Take care! -Heath

Anonymous said...

Don't make fun of God. It's not funny.