Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why is it taboo to discuss the differences between races? Races evolved based on the different environmental conditions of where they lived. As a result of their environment, different races developed different physical characteristics, as well as different mental and personality characteristics. It's not racist to make note of these is merely being observational. For some reason it's acceptable to discuss the differences between different breeds of dogs. Some breeds are smarter than others, some breeds are faster than others, etc. So why is that that when someone points out the differences between breeds of humans, it's considered "racist." It's only racist if you hate or despise people for their differences. Otherwise, you're just a neutral observer.

As humans, we are a very unique species in that we live in such a wide variety of environments. As a result of living in so many different environments, we as humans are much more diverse than many species. There is a very wide range of physical and mental characteristics within the human species. As a result of these differences, there is inevitably conflict.

The reason it's taboo to discuss race is that many people many people don't have ability to view themselves or the world objectively. They are dumb and feel the need to follow the rules of "political correctness" that they've been brainwashed to follow. This mentality also leads people to join religions and isolate themselves from everyone else in the world. This then leads to each group wanting to either destroy or assimilate the others. The inability to view oneself as part of a worldwide, interdependent group leads to many if not all conflicts in the world.

Then there are those of us who can think objectively, who are forced to watch from the sidelines, shaking our heads, frustrated that we can't do anything about this whirlwind of tards we've been swept up in. It's a nice thought to consider that maybe the dumb people will eventually evolve to become objective thinkers as well, and everyone will get along for at least a few years before we become extinct...that's all we can hope for. It's going to be an interesting future...I wish I could live long enough to see how it plays out...or maybe I'm better off not knowing.


Anonymous said...

One area where race is taken very seriously: medicine.

Anonymous said...

It is rude, mean spirited and it creates strife. Why make the world a more painful place? Plus, you have zero idea of what you are talking about. Your writing seems to plead for people to become enlightened and free themselves, well right back at you pal.

Anonymous said...

To the goof who posted at 5:00 AM you truly are an idiot. I have been saying what the blogger has posted for several years and as a matter of fact I used the same reference to dogs by coincidence. It's so funny how a certain breed of dog is considered by nature as 'nonaggressive' and others are considered to be 'aggressive'.

I've often said the same of dolphins and sharks. Both are seagoing creatures and people pay to get into the water with dolphins so they can hold their fins and rub their backs but nobody in their right mind would do that without being in a cage. Why? Because you know what a shark can do to you. I've often made this argument to my liberal friends and each and everyone of them have the same preprogrammed response: "Well that's different." How so?

Certain tribes in Africa still hunt with spears and not to be traditional either. Some still practice cannibalism. Where are the white folks hunting with spears and eating other humans? There's not. It is what it is folks. Some races have a greater tendency towards aggressive, violent behaviour. Some races are better athletes and some are more intelligent. I'm not being racist either. I'm strictly observing.

I've been a police officer for almost 19 years in one the largest cities in North America and it's the same story over and over and over again. I know when I deal with certain races of people that I have to keep my guard up at all times as to where with others I can leave my gun in the car. This is not my opinion after watching a poll on CNN for 15 minutes either. This is after 19 years of working the streets folks.

Anytime I go to what's considered a 'bad neighborhood' it's always the same race of people there as inhabitants. ALWAYS.

Let's face it, take a look at Rome and Athens. Look what they did with their city THOUSANDS of years ago for God sake. In Africa? How are you still spear hunting the cheetah in 2015? Cable TV? Oh God let's not even go there!

I'm sure someone from a tribe in Africa would outrun me in 10 seconds flat but let's sit and do some high school algebra and see who can do better. Folks it is what it is.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Any comments or thoughts about Jordan Peterson? He seems to combine his knowledge of history, psychology, philoposophy, and religion to create his own spin, which seems to be giving cult like status among his groupies.